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Online Forms

Patient Details

Guardian #1 / Insurance Information

Please upload an image of the FRONT of your insurance card

Please upload an image of the BACK of your insurance card

Guardian #2 / Insurance Information

Sleep / Airway Issues

Dental/Medical History

Please check if the patient has a history of the following medical conditions:

Please check if the patient has, or ever had, any of the following habits?

Signed Content

I understand the information given is correct and will be held in the strictest confidence. I also understand that it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in the patient's medical status.

I hereby authorize this office to perform an oral evaluation and consent to the taking of x-rays, photographs and other records (if necessary) to determine appropriate orthodontic treatment on the above-named patient.

I also authorize this office to leave messages about appointments on my voice mail or answering machine, and agree to receive e-mail reminders and text messages about appointments.

By submitting this form you agree to the above mentioned consent statement

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